
Get the full story through books by Christina Dalpiaz. Ranging from developing healthy relationships to how to handle most parenting and interpersonal challenges, Christina's books are entertaining, insightful, and will provide the reader with unexpected - and highly effective - approaches to address issues faced by families everywhere.

Enter code: YXUUGTYF for a 25% holiday discount! Sorry, discount does not apply to Breaking Free, Starting Over.

How to Depolarize Your Jerk Magnet

Parent-in' Style: 
Healthy Habits, Happy Homes

Sparrows in a Hurricane: 
One Family's Courage to Weather the Storm of Addiction and Mental Illness

Breaking Free, Starting Over: Parenting in the Aftermath of Family Violence

Breaking Free, Starting Over: 
Parenting in the Aftermath of Family Violence

1 comment:

  1. I have had the privaledge and honor of knowing and working with Christina over 10 years, and her books are written with honesty, a sense of humor, but a real compassion for seeing people move from victim to victor. A must read for anyone looking to revamp their lives and make healthier, conscious choices for a peaceful life!;
