Hi! Welcome to our blog. At CHANCE we're dedicated to creating Healthy Habits, Happy Homes and helping families put their world back together "Piece by Peace." By creating healthy habits, family members will be able to joyfully and effectively interact, create loving bonds, and foster harmony that will lead to a happy home. We offer replacement skills for family members to use in place of other actions that may unwittingly be destructive, demeaning, or otherwise unhealthy. Check out our Parenting tab for a blog filled with tips to help your family develop healthy habits. For additional tips check out our book, Parent-in' Style.
We're thrilled with the addition of our new book, How to Depolarize Your Jerk Magnet. This book can provide much-needed guidance and assistance to people desiring healthier relationships. Along with the new book, we've added a new blog called The Jerk Journal, which can be found on the Jerk tab of this blog, where we'll address common issues in relationships, as well as provide feedback and advice to anyone that would like to tell us your stories of interacting with partners that have been "less than healthy."
One of the significant areas of our work is to help families that have been impacted by the the ravages of family violence. By helping to pick up the pieces of shattered lives and replacing unhealthy practices with more appropriate actions, CHANCE helps families create a peaceful environment. Christina's book, Breaking Free, Starting Over: Parenting in the Aftermath of Family Violence is a terrific resource for families experiencing and attempting to recover from the devastation of violent behavior in their intimate relationships. Additionally, her book Sparrows in a Hurricane: One Family's Courage to Weather the Storm of Addiction and Mental Illness is Christina's own story of overcoming a violent and abusive upbringing.
In this blog we'll also provide information to readers currently involved in violent relationships. We have found that there are consistencies in behavior of intimate perpetrators and we'll attempt to profile some of those attributes in our section called Profiling Perps, available at the tab with the same name. Our goal is to help readers recognize potentially inappropriate - and threatening - behavior on the part of their intimate partner and provide an ability to forecast what kinds of actions the perpetrator could pursue in the future. To do this we'll merge and review relevant domestic violence stories from both the headlines, as well lesser-known cases, removing names of the participants to protect their privacy.
About our Director, Christina M. Dalpiaz
Disclaimer: Coverage of a subject as difficult to resolve as family violence could be offensive to some readers. Others may feel we are treating some of the subjects of our reviews unfairly. Please know that our goal is to help; we want everyone to have a healthy and happy family life. While there are many different opinions about how to create a healthy family, the views expressed on this blog are the opinions of the author. All cases portrayed for profiling are composites of two or more similar cases obtained from open news sources. The author makes no warranty regarding and takes no responsibility for the accuracy of any news sources from which the facts of a post, if present, may have been obtained, nor does the author claim any knowledge of or make any attempt to reveal new factual information related to the case. The content of posts on this blog are provided for information purposes only and are not intended to malign any person, religion, ethnic group, club, organization, or company, nor are they intended to harm, injure, defame, or libel any person or organization. Additionally, while all parenting tips presented in this blog have been successfully utilized, the author will not be responsible for undesired consequences resulting from the implementation of any advice, tips, techniques, and recommendations presented in these post. Actions outlined in these posts are to be taken at the readers own risk.